Homelessness is a growing problem, especially in London. The Connection at St Martin’s helps thousands of homeless people turn their lives round by providing both emergency help and ongoing support and advice. The services provided reach out to rough sleepers, providing a day and night shelter, skills training and career advice, activity programs and specialist support for people with mental health and substance abuse issues.
The Friends of the Connection exists to raise awareness and money to support the Connection in its work. You can make a real contribution to alleviating homelessness by leaving a legacy to the Friends, however small, in your will. There are four types of legacy:
• Pecuniary – a given sum of money indicated in a will
• Specific – particular items, such as jewellery, a painting, shares or property named in a will
• Residuary – the remainder of an estate after all other beneficiaries have been provided for or a given percentage of the estate
• Contingent – a gift dependent on other factors, such as the donor outliving other beneficiaries
As well as contributing to help for the homeless, in this case, legacies are exempt from inheritance tax and so help reduce the tax payable on your estate.
We cannot provide legal advice, and recommend that you talk to your solicitor who will be able to advise you on all aspects of leaving a legacy to The Friends of the Connection at St Martin-in-the-Fields in your will. If you have a will already, it is a simple process to amend it by writing a Codicil.
Many families also decide to honour the life of a loved one who has died by suggesting donations to a charity in lieu of giving funeral flowers. These gifts in memory are a way of providing further support for a cause dear to the heart of a loved one and their family.
If you would like to find out more about the work of the Friends and the Connection, or if you have any questions about leaving a legacy to the Friends or arranging gifts in memory, please contact the Friends office (details below).
By informing us about your intention to support the Friends and the Connection through a legacy, we will be able to recognise and celebrate your decision in your lifetime.
Friends of the Connection at St Martin-in-the-Fields
12, Adelaide Street, London WC2N 4HW
Tel: 020-7766-5522.
Email: friends@cstm.org.uk