News: Spotlighting Homelessness over Coffee and Cake

World Homeless Day on 10 October is an international effort to shine a spotlight on the plight of the growing number of homeless people right across the globe. This year, for the first time, the Friends played their part by organising 11 Connection Coffee Mornings across southern England, in localities ranging from Hastings to Norwich, with a cluster in various parts of London.

Sharing coffee, tea and cake, as well as information about homelessness, was the order of the day, while also collecting donations to support both The Connection and also local homeless charities in some areas. Donations to the Friends totalled £1,372, which is a tremendous achievement. ‘A very enjoyable affair’ was one comment. Another event ‘raised interest among members of the local health clinic in The Connection’s work’.

We’re already beginning to plan for next October’s Connection Coffee Mornings: why not consider giving it a try in your neighbourhood? Look out for more details in the New Year, or contact the Friends Office to express interest