Last Tuesday evening, Mike Marriott, a qualified Westminster Guide and one of our Friends, took a group of Friends on a delightful walking tour.
The group met at the portico of St Martin-in-the-Fields, before heading off to Covent Garden, across the Strand and down to the Embankment, before finishing at the Queen Eleanor Cross in front of Charing Cross station.

The tour touched not only on the history of the local area but also provided insights into the history of homelessness support in the area, as well as some of the current work of the Connection.
All the proceeds from the Walk have gone to the Friends, to support the work of The Connection.
Mike is happy to lead walks around Westminster or other parts of London in return for a donation to the Friends, so if any Friends are interested in asking Mike to lead a tour – maybe of family members or for any organisation you belong to – please do let him know. He can be contacted on mike.marriott1@ntlworld.com.